
dynamic web experiences.

woman developer on laptop

My Work

I strive to provide optimal user experience using best practices by creating semantically structured websites and robust full-stack web applications. Visit my GitHub for all my work.

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • EJS
  • TailwindCSS


A community where users can interact with other AI artists, share their work, and have a place to express themselves. Users can log in and upload their work to the network as well as comment and like their favorite submissions from other users.

  • JavaScript
  • HTML & CSS
  • TailwindCSS


Loopstudios gaming company landing page that features immersive gaming and VR technologies.

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • JavaScript
  • HTML & CSS

Fanfavorite Futurama Quotes Web App

Futurama fans can submit their favorite character quotes to the database. They can replace a Fry quote with an automatically generated Bender quote at the click of a button, or delete a Bender quote from the page.

  • JavaScript
  • HTML & CSS
  • Nookipedia API

Nook & Cranny's Animal Crossing Birthday Twin

What if you could learn what villager is your birthday twin? Simply input you or your friend's birthday to discover who the birthday twin is. Learn specific characteristics about the villager such as their name, species, personal catchphrase, and quote!


My objective is to translate client requirements into application designs and system requirements while maintaining a consistent look and visual theme. I have experience designing and implementing both frontend and backend web applications for clients and non-profit organizations.

Collab Lab logo

Collab Lab

Software Engineer

Collaborated in an Agile environment with a small team of developers to create an accessible and user-friendly smart shopping list web app that adapts to purchasing patterns, aiding in remembering future shopping needs.

100devs logo


Software Engineer

Opportunity with 100devs agency has allowed me to cultivate extensive knowledge and proficiency in building scalable full-stack web applications using the latest web development technologies.

Lewis Arts Studio logo

Lewis Arts Studio

Web Developer

Brought forth a proficient understanding of the latest web development tools, techniques, and approaches to redesign the Lewis Arts Studio website as part of Miami Dade's Art For Learning organization.

48in48 logo


Web Developer

Effectively multitasked with a product team to build a professional quality website for non-profit, Diamond Stamp, while meeting specific client design specifications and deadlines.

Hire me

Feel free to to contact me any time, through any method below.